Custom Jewelry - Upload your own image
See video for Upload your own image Instructions
Uploading your own image:
Not seeing what you want? Send us a file of your image.
Please make sure your image is black and white and simple. Vector Images or clip art images are the best. Photos will not work well. Anything with shadowing or gray scale will not work. Simple is best. Complex images will require a set up fee.See images below for examples:
1) SIMPLE - Best image type - black and white - vector type image
2) COMPLEX - will require a set up fee
3) WILL NOT WORK - image has shadowing and grey scale
If you question if your image will work, please send us a copy of your image and we will let you know if there is a set up fee. Simple images do not require a set up fee.
PLEASE DO NOT INFRINGE COPYRIGHT LAWS. We reserve the right to refuse to use images or text that is not tasteful. If your image will not work, we will send you an email explaining what we need to change to make your image work and set up fees.
Depending on your image, the additional fee will start at $45 and goes up.
Add any notes to the note section including the jewelry piece you are interested in. Process the order as if you are purchasing jewelry and enter the discount code. No money will be charged. We will get back to you within 3 - 5 business days with a set up fee quote.
If you have trouble uploading an image, please go to the contact us section and send us an email.